Commercial Real Estate in Chandler, Texas

Grow your business on your terms. We’ll help you get there.

No matter if you’re looking for a place to set up your new business, some land to build commercial real estate, or a property to invest in. Burns Commercial Properties is here to help you reach your real estate goals.

We are Chandler’s trusted commercial real estate team. Contact us today to see how we can help.

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From investors to commercial property owners or business owners looking to downsize or expand, we can help you achieve your commercial property goals.

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Facts About Chandler, TX

Chandler, Texas, presents a compelling proposition for commercial investors. It offers a blend of strategic advantages, market potential, and a supportive environment for business and real estate development.


Chandler is situated within Henderson County, offering a strategic position near larger cities like Tyler and Athens, enhancing its accessibility and economic ties to broader regional markets.


Chandler has almost doubled in population in recent years. In the ‘90s, It had less than 1,500 people. Today, it has almost 4,000. Whether you want to rent a piece of commercial real estate or invest in commercial real estate, Chandler is growing and will welcome your business.

Business Environment

Chandler offers a business-friendly environment with lower operational costs than larger urban areas. It also offers tax incentives and support services for small and medium-sized enterprises.